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Re: [xmca] Bahktin question -- genre, chronotope

For Bakhtin-inspired genre theory in relation to CHAT, I recommend Clay Spinuzzi's TRACING GENRES THROUGH ORGANIZATIONS (MIT Press). It's one of three books reviewed in a book review that I submitted to MCA about 20 months ago (so hopefully the review will be appearing not so much longer from now).

On Wed, 6 May 2009, Wolff-Michael Roth wrote:

Michiel van Eijck (m.w.v.eijck@tue.nl) presented an interesting paper at the recent NARST conference, in which he uses chronotope for theorizing "place-based learning" generally and the question of traditional (Native American) knowledge in particular. Cheers, Michael

On 6-May-09, at 8:25 AM, Jay Lemke wrote:

Bakhtin's original use of chronotope was somewhat like the modern use of "genre", but in a more specific sense. He observed that historically there were many narrative literary genres that could be considered precursors of the novel, and that each could be defined by the ways in which the story line moved characters through time and space.

Today I think the meaning retains the original sense that trajectories through time and space are important, and that repeating/repeated patterns in such trajectories give us a way of talking about activity (including discourse) that pays attention to the fact that life is lived across places and timescales.


Jay Lemke
Educational Studies
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

On May 4, 2009, at 6:21 PM, ERIC.RAMBERG@spps.org wrote:

Would it be fair to define the word chronotope as the time and space
helping to define the meaning of a dialogue?  Late coming to the study of
this powerhouse.

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