[xmca] FW: Funding opportunities at the National Center for Special Education Research

From: Peter Smagorinsky <smago who-is-at uga.edu>
Date: Tue Apr 29 2008 - 02:59:49 PDT

From: Caffrey, Erin [mailto:Erin.Caffrey@ed.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 4:12 PM
Subject: Funding opportunities at the National Center for Special Education


Good afternoon, researchers!

I am contacting researchers who have recently published in Reading Research
Quarterly. I am a program officer at the National Center for Special
Education Research (NCSER) at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES),
U.S. Department of Education. I am writing to start a conversation about
possible funding opportunities. Many of you are already very aware of
IES/NCSER. Some of you have existing projects or current applications. A
handful of you have already contacted me regarding the fiscal year 2009
request for applications (RFA).

 IES's over-arching priority is funding research that contributes to
improved academic achievement for all students. At NCSER, we are
particularly interested in improving outcomes for children and students with
disabilities. Our research programs focus on identifying, developing, and
validating interventions and measures that contribute to improving outcomes
for students with disabilities. I am attaching NCSER's request for
applications RFA here http://ies.ed.gov/funding/pdf/2009_84324A.pdf. I
encourage you to pass the RFA along to your colleagues, especially those who
conduct school-based research or those who would be willing to conduct
research in both clinical settings and school settings.

I would be happy to discuss funding opportunities through email or over the
phone (202-219-2126). Please let me know if you have any questions.


xmca mailing list
Received on Tue Apr 29 03:00 PDT 2008

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