[xmca] Fwd: Advice on contributors?

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Jun 05 2007 - 09:55:11 PDT

Dear Xmca-o-naughts
Below is information about requested brief arcticles for a U of
Chicago encyclopedia-type publication that I am involved in. It appears that
several of the topics they wanted covered they were unsuccessful in finding
writers for. Looking at the list (attached) it immediately struck me that
several of the articles might tempt you
to write.

There is some remuneration involved, as the message below indicates. If you
are interested, write directly to Mary Lauer who
responds to the child@press email address.


From: Chicago Companion to the Child <child@press.uchicago.edu>
I have attached a spreadsheet that includes word counts for the articles in
question. It doesn't mention the honoraria, but those are based on word
count--for the 1250-word pieces, it's $100; for the 2000-word pieces, $160;
proportionately less or more for the handful of others on the list. If you
mention these amounts to anyone, please emphasize that they are honoria, and
that remuneration also includes a copy of the published volume.

Also, we are trying to have all the articles in hand by September 1, or very
soon thereafter, so any potential contributors would need to be available to
write their pieces over the summer. Co-author arrangements are acceptable.

Please note that we do have inquiries out to the rest of the Board members
and even a few invitations out to potential contributors (one of whom just
accepted this morning--I've shaded this article out on the spreadsheet). If
you locate someone who is interested in writing on any of the topics, please
have her contact me at this address so I can be sure everything is in order
and send her additional information about the article (scope description,

xmca mailing list

Received on Tue Jun 5 10:55 PDT 2007

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