[xmca] "American Lysenkoism", etc.

From: Tony Whitson (twhitson@udel.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 31 2006 - 08:59:27 PDT

This is discourse for analysis, I suppose; but otherwise it's not usual xmca
fare. I'm generally not posting stuff here on the evolution/ID conflict that
preoccupies me now (my mission for the next few months is to get the Kansas
science standards changed).

However, considering the Russian aspect of this, I thought folks might want
to know about
which critiques a book chapter titled "American Lysenkoism."

The author of the book being reviewed is a "Unificationist." In that
connection, folks might also be interested in this document:
a transcript of a meeting in heaven at which Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Deng
Xiaoping (I guess Mao was not invited) join Jesus, Muhammad, Confucius,
Buddha and others in support of the Rev. Moon.

I did see this run in US newspapers when it came out. It would be easy to
dismiss; but the Moonies now own the United Press International news agency,
and the Wells book is high on many lists of best-selling books in the US.

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