Re: in search for a Thibault (article)

From: Phil Chappell (
Date: Fri Apr 16 2004 - 04:25:26 PDT

> Dear Emilia,
> I have copied your request to a list that I'm pretty sure will elicit
> some responses, that being the xmca list.
> Kind regards,
> Phil Chappell

On Apr 16, 2004, at 3:28 PM, Emilia Djonov wrote:

> Dear sysflingers,
> Does anyone know how I could obtain a copy of the following article?
> Thibault, P.J. (2001). Multimodality and the School Science Textbook.
> In C.T. Torsello, G. Brunetti, and N. Penello (Eds.), Corpora Testuali
> per Ricerca, Traduzione e Apprendimento Linguistico. 293-335. Padova:
> Unipress.
> The UNSW library staff were very willing but unable to help me.
> Information about the book and how it could be ordered is also very
> welcome.
> Thank you.
> Emilia
> Emilia Djonov
> PhD student in English and Linguistics
> Address: Linguistics Dept.
> School of Modern Language Studies
> University of New South Wales
> Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
> email:
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