Fwd: NCTE Assembly for Research

From: Peter Smagorinsky (smago@coe.uga.edu)
Date: Tue Dec 30 2003 - 07:50:37 PST

>Dear Colleagues:
>It's time to renew your annual membership in the NCTE Assembly for
>Research and make plans to attend the Midwinter Conference! This years
>conference, in Berkeley, CA, will focus on the theme of "Transforming
>Literacies: Youth Culture, New Media, and Social Change." It promises to
>be a wonderful event, and I hope you'll plan to join us February 20-22, 2004.
>Attached, you will find the Conference Registration form and Membership
>renewal information. In addition, you can find more information on the
>2004 conference at http://research.gse.upenn.edu/nctear/.
>Wishing you happy holidays and a joyous and productive new year!
>Caroline Clark

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