Democracy, Capitalism, and Education

From: Bill Barowy (
Date: Wed Dec 24 2003 - 10:31:29 PST

On Wednesday 24 December 2003 12:50 pm, Eugene Matusov asked:
> What do you think?

I think Eugene that it looks like you solved that "reply-to" problem.

Eugene previously promulgated:

>My colleague continued that since the scholarship
>one of the candidates was more in line with Bush's educational policies, we
>had to give preference to this candidate because the candidate would have
>higher possibility to get grants from federal agencies with further tenure

More strange coincidences with reading, this time a favorite of mine from
Bowles and Gintis 1976 "Schooling in Capitalist America" (note the status of
conciousness and activity in their underlying logic):

"...we suggest that the basic outlines of the US educational system and the
conflicts which periodically shake its foundations and reroute its
development are best understood through an analysis of the contradictory
forces operating on the system. the struggle between working people and
capital in the economy has its counterpart in educational conflict. On the
one hand, employers and other social elites have sought to use schools for
the legitimation of inequality through an ostensibly meritocratic and
rational mechansim for allocating individuals to economic positions; they
have sought to use the schools for the reproduction of profitable types of
worker consciousness and behavior through a correspondance between social
relationships of education and those of economic life. On the other hand,
parents studrnts, worker organizations, blacks, ethnic minorities, women, and
others have sought to use schools for their own objectives... " (p101)

Unfortunately it is too long for a sig block!

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