Re: activity theory in the baltic countries?

From: Olav W. Bertelsen (
Date: Thu Oct 16 2003 - 00:37:45 PDT

hi mike,

sorry for the euro-lingo :-)
when talking about the baltic counties i
specifically meant estonia, latvia and lithuania.

on the other hand, there is a baltic region of
europe arround the baltic sea (in danish
østersøen) including finland, estonia, latvia,
lithuania, germany, sweden, denmark, poland, have
i forgotten some (norway maybe). not very well
defined :-)

kind regards

>Hi Olav-- What are the Baltic countries? Does this category include
>Finland? Estonia. Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Sweden, Denmark? I
>think the answer to your question about AT in baltic countries depends
>on what you are including.
>There is a parallel ambiguity we deal with here in California. It is
>called "Pacific Rim" nations. Somehow that means ASIAN nations-- Russia,
>Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, and Canada get forgotten.

Olav W. Bertelsen                      direct phone: +45 8942 5642
Department of Computer Science           dept phone: +45 8942 3200
University of Aarhus                        telefax: +45 8942 5624
Aabogade 34, DK-8200 Aarhus N.           cell phone: +45 2883 6839
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