Bushs Other Declaration of War

From: Phil Chappell (phil_chappell@access.inet.co.th)
Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 19:04:58 PST

>To add to Kevin's example of genre subversion...
>Bush's Other Declaration of War
>By Tammy Johnson, director of Race and Public Policy at the Applied
>Research Center
>My fellow citizens, it is my grave duty to inform you that here in the
>homeland, we find ourselves in a state of war. The enemies of
>prosperity, meritocracy, and freedom have infested our hallowed American
>institutions of commerce and government. But there is hope. Armed with
>the mighty wartime budget ax, I vow to sever the burden of entitlement
>that troubles our nation. In this endeavor you are either with us or
>against us. There is no middle ground.
>* All the decades of deceit and cruelty have now reached an end.
>Be it the War on Poverty or the War on Drugs, history has proven that
>when we give in to the race-baiters who whine about fairness, our
>resolve to prosper and achieve greatness is weakened. We must no longer
>spare the rod on the poor and the racial minorities. In response to this
>renewed spirit of real equality, our allies in 26 states have agreed to
>rebuild our real priority for homeland security by cutting Medicaid, K-
>12 and higher education, transportation services, aid to local
>governments, and health and human services. Let's give them bootstraps,
>not bus passes.
>*The cause of peace requires all free nations to recognize new and
>undeniable realities.
>It is a harsh but true reality that every man is not meant to have a
>slice of the American pie. Some are destined to clean the plate. The
>very existence of affirmative action, desegregation and Title IX gender
>access policies rejects the natural order of humanity. Only through the
>elevation of hardworking representatives such as Clarence Thomas, Miguel
>Estrada, and Viet Dinh can we restore the colorblind vision of justice
>that has built this country.
>*We are a peaceful people --- yet we're not a fragile people, and we will
>not be intimidated by thugs and killers.
>I will bring to bear the full force of my office to ensure that no harm
>comes to any real American citizen. In order to ensure the safety and
>security of true Americans, we must detain and deport the criminal
>elements that plague our nation. Rest assured the Department of Justice
>will hunt down, capture and punish these African, Latino, East Indian,
>Asian, and Arab evildoers. Only then will peace come.
>*The day of liberation is near.
>We will soon be free of the incessant cries for "racial equality" and
>"economic justice." Finally, we will be free to earn all that the market
>yields, irrespective of labor concerns. Free to remove the accent of
>foreign tongues that offends our ears. Free to pursue our vision of
>economic prosperity by overpowering the misguided rule of other nations.
>Free to secure the blessings of liberty and prosperity for those
>embodied with the preordained rights of might and wealth. But liberation
>demands leadership. The war begins at home.
>Good night, and may God continue to bless America.
>* Excerpts taken from Bush's address to the nation March 17, 2003.
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