Re: An Open Letter to George W. Bush

From: Angel Lin (
Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 02:46:55 PST

Hi David,
I share your sentiments and support your letter. And here in Hong Kong we
too are worried about what's happening and there have been anti-war marches
and protests, and in Singapore where I travelled to last December for the
AILA conference, people are hugely worried about the terrorist activities
that will spread in South East Asia as part of the possible consequences of
the US invasion of Irag. People in all corners of the world, not just
people in America, will have to pay the price.

At 07:45 AM 3/18/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>Please distribute:
>March 18, 2003
>Dear George W. Bush,
>You are a man of conviction. Singly-handedly you are creating a new world
>order based upon the U.S. view of what is right and what is necessary.
>Saddam Hussein is a threat to the world. But an even greater shadow looms
>large upon the dawning of the new millennium: A rogue superpower that
>imposes its will upon the world community--that robs the peoples of world
>of the possibility of directing their mutual destiny through the
>institutions of international diplomacy. If you fail in your bid to remove
>the Iraqi leader from power, either through the threat of military force or
>through its quick and efficient use, you risk igniting the very fire you
>have vowed to stamp out--the distribution of Iraqi terror weapons across
>the world. If you succeed, you will become a hero here at home, imprinting
>indelibly upon the American political landscape the imperative of
>subsequent leaders to live up to your example of international bullying.
>Either way, President Bush, this will be the American Century--a time of
>instability and fear in the world. Citizens of the United States (and
>elsewhere), join with me for a peaceful and quiet candlelight vigil from
>7-7:30 PM Wednesday, March 19, your local time at a central meeting place
>of your local city or town, that together we may mourn the passing of the
>possibility of a world united.
>David Kirshner
>5428 Halls Ferry Drive
>Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA 70817

Angel Lin, Ph.D.(Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,
University of Toronto)
Associate Professor, Department of English and Communication
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2788-8894; phone: (852) 2788-8122

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