Barbara Rogoff on the Scribner Award

From: Bill Barowy (
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 11:29:23 PST

Hi Folks,
I'm forwarding this note from Barbara for your consideration.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 10:35:58 -0800
To: Bill Barowy <>
From: Barbara Rogoff <>
Subject: Re: [ch-sig] What to do about the Scribner Award process?

As a past recipient of the Scribner award, whatever happens would
have no bearing on my award -- it happened in the conditions of its
time, so it doesn't change with changes in the present. So I don't
think you need to take that into account.

Another course of action would be to have a massive set of
nominations for the award for someone who clearly fits with
Scribner's research and scholarly direction (or for several), and put
pressure on to have the award go at least every other year to someone
Sylvia would recognize as related.


>Jay has begun one course of action -- to communicate directly to the chair
> of the Scribner Award. Her desire, the greater democratization of the
> process, hardly guarantees solution to the problem Mike, King, David,
> Pedro, and Steve have raised, which is an award in the spirit of Scribner's
> work, with, possibly, candidates who work with a sociocultural perspective.
> The present chair does not favor such a narrowing, nor does it seem
> congruent with an AERA division lifetime award.
>The solution would seem to lay in the direction of a letter of protest to
>bring the award to CHSIG. There are at least two consequences to this,
>however. First, the award will no longer carry the prestige of a full
>division award, which in one way does honor the value of Scribner's work.
>Second, Mike points out some of the stakeholders -- past recipients who are
>members of the community of the Scribner award system -- who may object to
>the status of their awards being degraded from a division to a SIG level.
> We face a bind here.
>At the very least, a letter to AERA can express the concern and share the


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