course of course

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 21:14:58 PST

Seems like the discussion of Gordon's paper has about run its course,
and it provides, in itself, a nice segue into starting up a course.

Here is what I propose:

I will provide a tentative "syllabus" for critique and suggestions for
substitution based on a combination of what Yrjo and I have used in the
course before (variable over time and person taking the lead). Folks
can make suggested substitutions for a week, and then we begin.

The rought order goes like this:

(by topic, no time limit indicated or known at present)

1. Some examples of contemporaty articles in the CHAT tradition
2. Revolutionary Roots: Marx
3. Philosophical roots: Marx, Ilyenkov, Bakhurst, Jones, Dewey, Pierce and...
4. First generation: Vygotsky
5. Second generation: Leontiev, Luria, activity and mediation
6. The pedagogical dimension
7. The work dimension
8. The medical dimension
9. Chat and Diversity
10. Challenges for the present and the future

I know only this about scheduling. In January, Helsinki's CHAT group begins
its course and Reijo will be leading the discussion on MArx. I hope for
help between now and then with the topic 1 from our little band of volunteer
coordinators, which includes bb, gordon, jim and david and.... (feel free
to join). Coordinators are not seers and are not ex-spurts (drips under
pressure). They are instigators, linkers, helpers, and inquirers. Hopefully,
they will get lots of help; one volunteers for the role by playing it. I
have no doubt that the signals of "this is playing it" will be clear.

Anyone with a better idea is more than welcome to propose it, including
telling those nutty enough to engage the process to go somewhere else to
play. Elsewhere are all over the place.


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