Re: AERA SIG themes, speakers

From: Vera (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 10:45:28 PDT

Apologies for a flawed message on AERA themes, I am working on an unfamiliar machine while on vacation. But I stand by the original message about Holland and SIG themes. Paul womdered about the popularity of the "self."
I Think it is connected to issues of reflection, commitment and subjectivities, all of which are of interest to those of us
engaged in long term ethnographies (see abstract of Mervi Hasu's paper from the ISCRAT conference,
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Elina Lampert-Shepel
  Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 6:52 PM
  Subject: Re: AERA SIG themes, speakers

  Hi everyone,

  I support and interested in two topics - cultural-historical theory research issues and also self/subjuctivity themes. My current research on mediational means of reflective action in a qualitative research tradition reveals some challenges regarding both themes. I would be very interested to participate in any symposium related to these issues.


    Vera <> wrote:

    Hi Bill,
    I suppport Dorothy Holland anf the topic
    Perhaps we could organize a panel of spekaers fromk SIGT members afyter her
    presentation. I would love to
    love to be part of such a panel as I will be working on this topic of
    subjectivities within CHAT on during the
    during the next few months. (Partly for a conference on the dialogical self.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Bill Barowy"
    Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 8:03 AM
    Subject: Re: AERA SIG themes, speakers

> Thanks Ellice -- yeah, Deborah should be credited with the original idea.
> Folks,
> My concern is fairness. If we are to allocate a presentation slot to an
> invited speaker, then that makes one less available to SIG members. This
> a decision that needs to be made before reviewing begins, s o it is good to
> see what everyone thinks. Please post a note. After a week or so for
> discussion I'll set up a voting booth.
> (I don't plan on presenting within the SIG, so i do not have a vested
> interest.)
> Also -- please vote on the SIG theme at:
> gotta run,
> bb

  "To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail."
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  Elina Lampert-Shepel
  Chairperson, General Education Department
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