No offense but a defense of measures

Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 15:33:48 PDT


Specifically it is in context with the previously cited Vygotsky quote
regarding learning and instruction having separate measures. For the
individual, Valsiner maintains that their focus will be in what they believe
that they can accomplish [i.e. the 1st grader saying thay they are a good
batter when in fact they only hit one out of 20 pitches] and even if they are
not performing at their verbalized ability it is still possible that this is
the person's possible developmental ability. the instructor is observing a
level of performace far below the student's reported ability as well as
measuring current ability against past ability. In respect to goal-directed
activities [such as school projects] utilizing these separate constructs it
may be possible to see standardized tests for what they are ( a measure of
the teachers ability to teach the curriculum) and another measure could be
used to measure a student's ability to learn.

How does that measure up?

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