History Methodology

From: MnFamilyMan@aol.com
Date: Mon Feb 18 2002 - 10:48:25 PST

History discussion participants,

In reading and synthesizing the topic of Activty theory I have found of most
significance the functional method of double stimulation. I believe it has
significance for this discussion regarding history because within it is
something Vygotsky was very much interested in measuring; the near future
becoming the present and then the near past. Although Vygotsky was writing
about history before Leont'ev conducted the experiments it appears that
within Vygotsky's discussion regarding the effect of the card experiment. Not
only is a sequence-analysis underway but Vygotsky specifically correlates the
way in which the subject uses the card as a way to discuss the "overall
history" of the subject. Adults put the cards aside and remembered what
words not to respond to whereas children would actively use the cards as
devises to assist their performance on the task.

From my perspective of someone who is required by law to assess student's
abilities and level of functioning it appears this method of
sequence-analysis does a nice job of constructing natural decision making
occurence. The importance of utilizing this method of assessment instead of
interindividual standard scores would be the replacement of closed system
rating scales.

?In what respect have these "double stimulation" experiments been carried out
as to promote the study of this near future/present/near past phenomena?

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