taking phylogeny into account for chat studies

From: Bill Barowy (wbarowy@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 14:30:49 PDT

--- Bill Barowy <wbarowy@yahoo.com> wrote:
Tue Jul 24 2001 - 18:50:17 PDT

> Mike posed the methodological question of how to take phylogeny into account
> for chat studies.

There is something to add to the first of the two items that followed, and
which Ingold articulated as important for anthropological writing. I'd like to
add this quote from him that i read this morning:

"But there is more to an anthropological perspective than that. At the very
least, it is grounded in the realities of everyday experience, intrinsically
comparative (so that even when describing aspects of their own society,
anthropologists are mindful of other ways of living), and suspicious of any a
priori claim to the superiority of modern Western civilization. "

Ingold, T. (1999) Book Review: Paths of Fire
Technology and Culture 40.1 130-132

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