Re: reflection (on ending duels - still belabouring)

From: Diane Hodges (
Date: Fri Apr 27 2001 - 12:38:38 PDT

judy asks
>What sorts of interventions into unproductive person-person
>bickering/bullying/whatever would I consider CHAT-like?

- it seems to me what you attempted with your own posting is
a critical re-direction: reflexive, and re-directing the issue towards
something productive,
away from the "pound it into the ground" activity that perhaps prompted
your policeperson,
(and my bouncer-person) to speak up in the first place?

the difficulties here - while i applaud the idea - is the personal
investment so many have
in the worth of their own ideas, couched in "specialization" criteria that
legitimize the
"pounding" of an argument, yes?

separating the individuals from the interaction strikes me as a bit false
- as eva points out,
this is not something we do - part of the appeal of longterm participating
in these venues
is the familiarity with names and modes of writing.

in any event, i do think we might add critical re-direction to your list:
not criticizing and separating, but reflexive re-interpretations, that
might re-direct the dueling discourse.

>Which leads me to try to articulate what CHAT does entail
>axiologically [i.e., relationally/ value-wise], which might be considered
>relevant to a discussion of LBE.

here i think it might point towards that 'gap' that has been mentioned,
between the crisis and the learning, the multiple zpds that overlap and
interlace, the learning that bridges between crisis and a new
understanding - that is, for example, what's a 'wizardly' gesture here -
or a reflexive re-direction that introduces recuperating from the initial
loss of a crisis, and points towards a value, i.e. a motive for learning
something particular?


"my doctor says i wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if i would just keep my
finger out of there. "
Ralph Wiggums.

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