Re: institution or conscience?

From: Diane Hodges (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 17:14:16 PDT

billy sez
>Such pressure! I guess I can deal with the brainiac business if you can
>wear the army boots... but the latter *is* self initiated...

well i believe it's my mother who wears the army boots in my family... but
i'll slip 'em on just for you. self-initiated - of course! - (butchew
know, i've haven't been called a 'bull-dyke' in ages!! ha ha!!! have i
lost my touch? :)

>A provisional response is that I'm looking at someone who balances her
>personal ideals with institutional work. Pure conjecture: what I think I
>see is that such a successful person really ...listens... to the other
>people (even as others, they are people who are to be respected
>regardless of the impersonal institution they enact) who constitute the
>institution. What comes of a juxtaposition of Bandura with chat so far,
>are the recognitions of the processes of building trust, of building a
>shared sense of efficacy, and these seem to come through a history of
>joint achievement. It's not magic, it just doesn't appear. Years go by.
> Compromise seems to be a process of establishing new relationships
>between the subject and the institution. (Such as taking on a new role
>that others deem appropriate, but which are not in one's prior plans.)
>And both individual and institution come to be changed together. By
>systemic, what I mean can be defined through chat as inclusive of
>subject-artifact-object-rules-DL... and this seems to work well for an
>long-lived, well established institution.

remarkably, you've described someone i know. i'm not entirely reconciled
with the ideas of attachment, here, or the processes of transference, and
metaphorical Fathers of institution - a highly problematic context for
women, it seems to me, but, i appreciate your thoughtful response.

"It's PC thugs like you who make it impossible for the rest of us to find
a husband."
Miss Hoover to Lisa Simpson

diane celia hodges

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