eric's point -

From: Phillip White (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 07:03:13 PDT

Eric responding to Paul wrote:
>Memebers of acedemia have become such elitists in their thinking they
>to accept the opinions of anyone outside of their small circle. For an
>example look no further then the debate that was created when I was
>questioned on my use of the word subjective. During Stalin's reign of
>in the Societ Union a cult of personality was established within the
>sciences that is not much different then is happening today in the
>branches of psychological study.

        to disagree with your use of the term subjective is hardly akin to
stalinism - you denigrate those who perished in such terror by
comparison with your travails.

> My brother had to leave a job at a Midwestern
>University becasue he refused to accept the philosophy of one of the
>that's not right.

        my sympathy to your brother - intolerance is cruel. i am unable to
help your brother. i am sure you are a great support.

> Those of you who are within the establishment of academia
>I am sure are not happy with what I am writing but can you tell me I am

        really, Eric - anyone in any field could tell you that you're wrong.
after all, that's precisely how you responded to Phil.
>Yes, Paul, Marx and Hegel were brilliant in explaining human nature now
>try to figure out how to apply these theoretical constructs as a unified
>scientific discipline.
>What do you think?

        i know a lot about how Phil is working to apply these theoretical
constructs within his own practice - and i'm wondering what you're
actually doing. that's what i think.

        my partner is working in the same field as you and i know well the
profound difficulties of the system - i certainly appreciate your
frustrations and unhappiness.



* * * * * * * *
* *

The English noun "identity" comes, ultimately, from the
Latin adverb "identidem", which means "repeatedly."
The Latin has exactly the same rhythm as the English,
buh-BUM-buh-BUM - a simple iamb, repeated; and
"identidem" is, in fact, nothing more than a
reduplication of the word "idem", "the same":
"idem(et)idem". "Same(and) same". The same,
repeated. It is a word that does exactly what
it means.

                          from "The Elusive Embrace" by Daniel

phillip white
third grade teacher
doctoral student
scrambling a dissertation
denver, colorado

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