historical context

From: Mike Cole (mcole@weber.ucsd.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 11:19:18 PST

Diane-- I am obviously extremely interested in the historical context
of the texts we are reading for all the reasons you mention and some
you do not. So, for example, the way in which the purges of the 30's
made Luria's entry into medical school a necessity for survival and
the war made the work of the entire approach of vital national
interest are VERY relevant to reading the texts, as are the orientations
of the people toward the state and society.

     Where I start to get uneasy is in beginning to mix poorly grounded
and fragmentary stories that circulate among the people involved with,
for example, "facts" such as the creation of a joint laboratory in
Kharkov at which many of these people, including AL&L located themselves.

     The glass is too dark for me and even the parts that appear to be
translucent appear distorting.

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