RE: developmental theory

From: Nate (
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 18:47:25 PDT

 Thanks Bill,

I remember reading that awhile back. I think how I tend to to see "Activity"
would embed setting and arena as in the triangle with its empasis on tools,
rules etc. Yet it seems the physicality, organization of the "arena" is made
more explicit in Lave's example.

I agree very much with Lave's,

"A setting for activity cannot adequately be conceptualized as a weighted
list of environmental components such as that of Barker, nor as an
intersubjective construction, nor for that matter as a knowledge structure.
And it certainly is not a direct realization of political economy, writ

It also got me thinking about Star's boundry infrastructure as in
classification and other things becoming part of the setting or arena.

Gary Price told me a story recently about some old research in a department
store. The deal was customers could chose any nylons they wanted but needed
to explain their choice. Well, the descriptions were elaborate and the
decisions seemed very conscious and all that. Well, as it turned out all the
nylons were selected from the upper left hand corner of the shelf. As the
study was explained to me the type of nylon was contrained by its physical

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