RE: Presentation and greetings

From: Nate (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 18:38:20 PST


Thank you for the paper.

I think you are probally right about notion development and one take on that
is chapter 6 on scientific/everyday concepts was a particular shift in
Vygotsky's thinking about concepts. Along the same lines Vygotsky's chapter
on concepts (chapter 5 ?) being more or less a classical approach to concept
development. I would agree with the latter but not the former.

What is the story with Bruner's "Vygotsky article on play" as compared to
other sources. Awhile ago I went around trying to find the different
publications in english of Vygotsky's play article and was unable to hunt
down the Bruner source. If you had other sources how did they compare and
were there reasons for choosing the Bruner source. One reason I'm asking is
the sense/meaning issue in which sense has been translated into english as
meaning in the translations I've read. Reading the quotes you had with
"sense" it gave it slightly different meaning or is it sense than reading
"meaning" in the english translations. Maybe it would be better to ask how
you are using the two in the context meaning=generalization.

Again thankyou, it was an interesting read.

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Nate Schmolze

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