Re: Tutchev in English

From: Rachel Heckert (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 19:32:05 PST


You are absolutely right about "dusha - soul" (Russian) and "mind"
(English) not being the same thing. Anna Wierzbicka wrote a very
revealing piece about how our ideas about "person" are socially
constructed, and points out that the Anglo-American idea of "mind" is not
only peculiar to English-speakers, but is basically a development of the
last two centuries. (She also talks about French "ame" and German "seele
(mistranslation of which she says has created an inaccurate idea of what
Freud was really saying).

 She also quotes extensively the Russian immigrant poet Tsvetayeva, and
particularly relevant here: "There are things which cannot be thought in
another language." (Being bilingual/cultural myself, I can give my own
anecdotal evidence that this is true.)

"The original article is in "American Anthropologist" vol. 91-1989 and
she later expnanded it into a book chapter in "Semantics, Culture and
Cognition" (Oxford, 1992) which examines various concepts in European
languages, how they differ, and the hazards posed by translating

One of the less complimentary things I have heard about Americans from
Russian friends is the puzzled (and sometimes dismissive) statement that
"They have no dusha" - i.e. Americans have a very different "sense of
self" than other nationalities. Another interesting phenomenon - to me,
anyway - is the whole "the brain is a computer" business, which is based
on the idea that being human is a matter of ratiocination and
logic-chopping, divorced from emotion and volition. Russian (and classic
Hebrew/Yiddish usage) has a separate term for this activity of the human
An interesting take on this from a neuropsychologist is Antonio Damasio's
"Descartes' Error" which examines the hypothesis that emotion is
necessary for even reasoning to function. (He just published another
book, which I haven't read yet, but I have it from him via e-mail that
it's an extension of the earlier one).

Comments from Eugene, Tatiana, other Russian-speakers?

Rachel Heckert

BTW Will you guys please quit flaming each other? I'm just catching up
after several days away, and the last round of posts has left me
wondering just what's gotten into everybody.

On Wed, 1 Mar 2000 09:30:47 +0300 "sazonova" <> writes:
> Mike, you are absolutly wright. And its not a coincidence.
> In my translation I ment "soul' first of all and the word "mind" was
> introduced specially for xmca-readers.
> And now I'm struggling with the translation of the expression "body
> - mind
> problem" (I want to make a reveiw in my book) which somehow
> corresponds to
> what is known in Russian philosophical tradition as the problem of
> body and
> soul. When I say "somehow correspods" because English word "mind" is
> not
> the same as Russian word "soul". And I recall the XMCA discussion on
> the
> differences between Westen and Easten tradition in science.
> Tatiana
> ----------
> > От: Mike Cole <>
> > Кому:
> > Тема: Tutchev in English
> > Дата: 1 марта 2000 г. 3:37
> >
> >
> > Look at the title of this talk! I had just written Eugene about the
> > problems of translation from russian-english where the word, soul,
> > is a fine example. And then this appeared on the screen!
> > mike
> >
> > >Emeritus Professor
> > >Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> > >"Windows into the Soul: Surveillance and Society
> > >in an Age of High Technology"
> >
> > sure, its a coincidence.
> > mike

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