you kcan knock it, but try it

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Tue Dec 14 1999 - 13:48:15 PST

Hi Diane--

        Don't let agism creep in here, or we will be in even hotter
water! And besides, its grandpa mike.
        As a close colleague recently pointed out in connection with
another discussion, email is a diffcult/risky medium for lots of
interactrions when only two people are involved. Get into this mixed
medium and..... well, we see.
        The question I asked you, Paul, and really everyone is much
on my mind. We have our theories and our ready-to=hand warrants, and
we trade them here and learn from them, even as we are sometimes
cut by them. But very very very often I can't tell where the crux
of the disagreement is, buried as it is behind a milky way of ipixils.
        t To bring it close to home. I love Mary's quote from Bandura,
whose ways of thinking in general do not grab me. Would it make any
difference to my work if I used Bandura's paradigm as a tool rather
than Luria, Vygotsky, Leontieve and their cousins around the world?
What difference? Only to make me feel better/more coherent, or
because I could show that focusing on self=efficacy a la Bandura
and growing children in activity system a la CHAT (what ever I imAG agine
that to nb be) makes a differences in the success of what I am trying
to do.
        In the case of the current discussion, there is too much
I not only don't understand in detail, I am not close enough to
make use of it. So, my strategy is to ask: How do the ideas
and the way they are deployed work for you? What do they accomplish?
How? And..... ought we to be trying to accomnplish this?

Thoughts like that.

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