
Anton Havnes (Anton.Havnes who-is-at
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:24:25 +0200


Thanks for an interesting workshop and weekend in Helsinki. One of the
things I did not get to discuss with you was if you are informed about any
plans about symposia at the socio-cultural conference in San Paulo next
summer. If I have a good reason to go there, that is one or more paper
presentations, I would like to do so.

Hilde Van Vlaenderen, the psychologist from South Africa that you met in
Aarhus last June sent me a message today. She comes back to the issue of
peer mediation that we discussed in connection with the Aarhus conference.
The topic fits well with the theme of the conference and the ideas of
Freire. Do you have any suggestions who could join in on such a project?
Hilde would like to reinterpret data from her PhD thesis (CBO's - Community
Based Organisations in South Africa) and I could do the same on student
learning in a university context. The focus could be on something like this:
How do agents/peers take control of their own learning and create their
contexts for learning and development, not just as individuals but as social

The next thing: Sten and I have had a meeting about the future of our
project now when he has got this new job in the multimedia centre. We are
heading toward me taking over his role and he taking mine (one month per
year). I have not sorted this out with my unit. What I can take is 15 months
salary on the project over year 2000 and 2001. I just wanted to keep you

But what about Brazil?
