Re: Krupskaya

Mary Jo Powell (mpowell who-is-at
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 08:32:50 -0500

Richard said

>We must not forget that frogs and street dogs have homossexual relations
>very frequently, without any shame.

Perhaps this is going far afield but this statement is too limiting. A
recent book (and I don't have the reference here, but can get it if anyone
wants) documents that homosexual relations between (and among!) animals--in
fact all kinds of "unnatural" sex--is common, in fact "normal.' Not just
frogs and dogs, but all the primates, felines, mooses, everything

What is interesting in this source is the reactions of the human
observers--zoologists, ethnologists, whatever--who immediately classify the
animals as male and female when they are caught in the act or, if there is
no way to get around the obvious, say that the animals are "confused."
Poor pathetic animals.

mary jo powell
<mpowell who-is-at>
Austin TX