Witnessing for California

Ken Goodman (kgoodman who-is-at u.arizona.edu)
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 08:05:23 -0700

I'll be ordering Banned in California T-Shirts today so I'm sending this
message to ask people who have not yet ordered them to please email
today to let me know. The shirts will say Banned in California with a
design on the back and Freedom to Learn, Freedom to Teach, Social
Justice on the front. They are black, high quality 100% cotton. The cost
is $12 plus $3 per order if you want them mailed to you. Because I will
get the shirts on April 23, There will not be time to mail them in time
for IRA.

Our plan is simple: Get as many people wearing shirts as possible to the
Opening Session of the IRA Conference in San Diego. I'll provide some
kind of one page information sheet to explain why we are "witnessing"
for california learners and teachers. I'd encourage others to provide
such information sheets also.

We'll be at the Embassy Suites near the Convention Center to deliver
T-shirts on Sunday May 2 from 4 pm until 11. Call our room there to find
out the number. We'll also have the shirts outside the room of the first
general session an hour before the session.

I'm planning to have about 150 shirts in addition to those ordered at
the conference so please do spread the word when people say "Where can I
get one of those?"
A number of people have said they will not be at IRA but will wear the
shirts in other places.

Be sure to specify size in your order. Checks should be made out to CELT
and sent to me at 5649 E. Tenth Street, Tucson, AZ 85711

Kenneth S. Goodman, Professor, Language, Reading & Culture
504 College of Education, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ     
         fax 520 7456895                      phone 520 6217868

These are mean times- and in the mean time We need to Learn to Live Under Water