Re: activity theory and situated learning

Ricardo Ottoni (rjapias who-is-at
Sat, 03 Apr 1999 14:00:58 -0300

Linda Polin wrote:
> "The different ways in which old-timers and newcomers establish and
> maintain identities conflict and generate competing viewpoins on the
> practice and its development. Newcomers are caught in a dilemma. On the one
> hand, tehy need to engage in the existing practice, which had developed
> over time: to understand it, to participate in it, and to become fulol
> members of the community in which it exists. On the other hand, they have a
> stake in its development as they begin to establish their own identity in
> its future." (ibid, p 115)

Personally, I prefer to understand newcomers and old-timers relationship
much more since a solidarity perspective than from a cometing one.