Re: triads & subjects & identities

Bill Barowy (wbarowy who-is-at
Mon, 28 Dec 1998 22:55:39 -0500

At 12:18 AM +0000 12/29/98, Judy Diamondstone wrote:
>I second the vote for a discussion of the subject of Activity Theory. Martin
>Ryder usefully poses the conditions under which it makes sense to think of
>a collective subject...

I just hope this doesn't get around to 'units of analysis' again, unless
the discussion leads to its written eulogy.

Bill Barowy, Associate Professor
Technology in Education
Lesley College, 31 Everett Street, Cambridge, MA 02138-2790
Phone: 617-349-8168 / Fax: 617-349-8169
"One of life's quiet excitements is to stand somewhat apart from yourself
and watch yourself softly become the author of something beautiful."
[Norman Maclean in "A river runs through it."]