Re: CREATE job

Noel Enyedy (enyedy who-is-at
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 12:27:10 -0800


I am a newbie/lurker on the XMCA list and I was interested in your posting
about a job with the CREATE project. I went to the web-site but I could
not find any information on the position.

Could you point me in the direction of the particulars? I couldn't tell if
it was an appropriate opportunity for me.

I am about to finish my Ph.D. from UC Berkeley's school of eduction. The
context for my disertation is the design and implementation of a
computer-mediated probability curriculum for middle school students I
designed. While the bulk of the dissertation itself is a close examination
of interactions that make up particular students learning trajectories.


Noel Enyedy

>Folks-- There is a senior, serious, difficult, exciting, etc job at ucsd
>being the head cheese (hmmmm) of CREATE, which is our local biggish (for us)
>effort to do something serious about getting under-represented students into
>UCSD. Here is the web page. All pertinent members, P-L-E-A-Z apply!
>Check it out. Beat on our doors.

Noel Enyedy Graduate School of Education
enyedy who-is-at 4533 Tolman Hall
(510) 642-0111 Berkeley CA 94720