Re: linguistically informed curricula and pedagogies

Kim Cooney (kimcooney who-is-at
Fri, 04 Sep 1998 17:31:58 PDT

G'day all,

I thought I heard someone mention Australia!

For those interested in "Multiliteracies" by Mary Kalantzis from James
Cook University in Townsville, Austalia.

Here is a link to an article written by her and Bill Cope "Putting
Multiliteracies to the Test":

This has excellent hypertext links to some of their main ideas,

and a link to the Education Australia Magazine of which Mary K and Bill
C are Executive Editors:

Regards to all,
Kim Cooney (research interest: reading difficulties and the internet as
a literate habitus)
Griffith University
Brisbane, Australia

----Original Message Follows----
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 98 22:46:44 EDT
From: Kate <SLAHC who-is-at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject: Re: linguistically informed curricula and pedagogies
To: xmca who-is-at
Reply-To: xmca who-is-at

Judy, What an interesting question! If you find such
a thing, I, too, would be interested in seeing it in
action. The New London Group called for such a pedagogy
and so perhaps their organization could be of some help.
(Harvard Educational Review, Vol 66, No 1, 1996)
Mary Kalantzis from James Cook University in Townsville,
Australia published a piece called"Multiliteracies" which
describes a number of such programs, but, as you say, they
are all in Australia or South Africa. . .

Good luck!
Kate Garretson

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