re: ethics, ideol and psy. paradigms

Francoise Herrmann (fherrmann who-is-at
Thu, 3 Sep 1998 12:27:04 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Judy, with backgrounds in none of the above subject header fields, I
do not see how one can possibly seperate individual from social especially
in terms of development, or in diachronic terms. And ibid. for ego. That is
a big issue with cult. psychology. The two are intertwined, and in the
strong version the individual is lost to the social, mind included. Yet
something has to account for differences. Could be just the particular
development of the indiv/social dynamics, but then they are really inseparable.
Barring twin studies to the rescue, moms with lots of children often swear
that all other "factors held constant" one baby is even in utero really
different from another. I'm slowly buying the cult. psych. version with
specificity of the dyad's path to account for differences. Ethics to me
arises as a quality of the relational bond between indiviual and social (agents).
And that is across time subject to many variations of quality, though
perhaps fairly marked by intitial relational bonds and archaic reproductive
patterns. I haven't a clue how this thread arises or where it ties in,
but your message made me think.

Francoise Herrmann
fherrmann who-is-at