Fwd: Call for Papers! 20th Annual Ethnography in Education

Peter Smagorinsky (smago who-is-at peachnet.campus.mci.net)
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 10:10:20 -0400

1999 Ethnography in Education Research
>"A Generation of Ethnography in Schools"
></bigger></bigger><center>CALL FOR PAPERS
></bold>Conference: Friday 3/5/99 to Saturday 3/6/99
>Location: University of Penna., Phila., PA
>Proposals invited in areas such as:
>multicultural and interethnic issues in education; practitioner
>research (by teachers, administrators, students, parents and other
>school community members), critical and feminist studies in education;
>ethnographic evaluation in education; language issues in education;
>uses of enthography in science and math education; uses of
>microethnographic methods in research on everyday school practice;
>enthographies of urban education; action research in educational
>Types of participation:
>Individual papers: data analysis, work in progress, practitioner
>Group papers/symposium: work in progress, practitioner research
><bold>Proposals must be postmarked October 5, 1998
></bold>More info:
>e-mail cue who-is-at nwfs.gse.upenn.edu
>webpage www.gse.upenn.edu/cue
>phone 215/898-3273
>Christina Hill Cantrill
>ccantrill who-is-at philaedfund.org
>Philadelphia Education Fund