"heterochronicity" reference

Stanton Wortham (stantonw who-is-at gse.upenn.edu)
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 15:13:17 -0400

I wonder if anyone can help me track down a reference. I have been
interested in the ability members of some groups have to participate
simultaneously in more than one activity -- as opposed to the dominant
Anglo style, which favors concentration on one activity at a time and
the segregation of activities spatiotemporally.

Someone told me of a paper by "Steve Reder," on the topic of
"heterochronicity," which was about this phenomenon. She thought it had
been published in MCA, but I looked and didn't see anything. If anyone
could help me track this down I'd greatly appreciate it.

You may contact me off-list if you'd like at stantonw who-is-at gse.upenn.edu


Stanton Wortham