Re: AERA-chat sig

Dr. PedroR. Portes (prport01 who-is-at
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 09:50:22 -0400

Hi Rebecca,
I am just reviwing past mail.. did I ever respond to your query??prp

At 08:47 AM 4/26/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>NOTE: Please persuade AERA members you know to join the CHAT sig in the
>>next 30 days so we can have more than 3 sessions next year in Montreal.
>>Judy added a few but many have not renewed. Her report I am sure is in the
>Excuse me for being immersed in student busyness if this has been mentioned
>recently, but how does one join the sig and is there a student membership?
>I do hold a student memberhip in AERA.
> Rebecca Scheckler rebecca who-is-at
> Virginia Tech, Teaching and Learning (540)231-5587(work)
> 220 War Memorial Hall (540)951-0172(home)
> Blacksburg, VA 24061-0313