
Francoise Herrmann (fherrmann who-is-at
Mon, 24 Nov 1997 08:39:25 -0800 (PST)

Zsdrasvyute Eugene, I recommend:

L.Delpit "Other people's children: Cultural conflict in the
classroom". The new york Press, NY 1995. It is a collection of
papers, but the whole book is really TERRIFIC! especially if your
students are minority and or black American as these are the
voices that she brings into the discussion of major educational
issues such as the whole language vs skills debate, standard and
heritage languages and liberal vs conservative approaches. It is
terrific as she resolves the conflicts and one walks free of
"vs"s. She speaks as teacher with much experience and an amazing
way of listening while connecting to her own experience as a black
American in a white world, as a mother, a teacher (elementary
school) and professor. I am loving every page on too many counts to say.

Francoise Francoise Herrmann fherrmann who-is-at