Re: multilingual silence

Judy Diamondstone (diamonju who-is-at
Sat, 4 Oct 1997 18:56:44 -0400

"Political Correctness," Eva. A term assigned BY conservatives
TO any argument for taking seriously the perspectives of anyone
outside the mainstream... "Politically correct" is the
parent term for academic "leftists" who object to
academic/intellectual traditions that exclude voices from the
margins. PC later became THE term to designate
cultural criticism, post-modernism, you-name-it by proponents and
opponents alike. But it ended up primarily a pejorative in the
political/popular/cultural arena, thanks primarily to right-wing
activists. Many of the designated PC academics are White Liberals,
which is the point that Jay makes to complicate the ethics of
a politics of difference.

I hope the definition I've given will be clarified/ elaborated/
refined by others.

Thank goodness Jay is wiley enough to make his way
into so many different perspectives!


At 09:04 PM 10/4/97 +0200, you wrote:
>one of the possible descriptions of the xmca
>is a (virtual) place vibrating with silences in many languages
>AND with interactions in english
>-- the latin of the Internet,
>my appropriated tongue.
>my confusion about PC seems as good a reason as any
>to remind us of the local tradition to, at least,
>be troubled by the awareness.
>sometimes it seems ironically meant
>sometimes it sounds like an institutional feature
>uncertainly... it seems to be in contrast with diversity awareness...
>strange sounds
>eva.ekeblad who-is-at

Judith Diamondstone
* NOTE CHANGE OF AREA CODE * (732) 932-7496 Ext. 352
Graduate School of Education
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
10 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1183