"NIELSEN DHONT ANITA" <ANITA who-is-at atenas.gdl.iteso.mx>

NIELSEN DHONT ANITA (ANITA who-is-at atenas.gdl.iteso.mx)
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 23:41:39 CST

I have been working at ITESO University in Guadalajara since 1975.
ITESO is a Jesuit University with a student population of about
5,000. We have few graduate level programs but one is called
"COGNITIVE EDUCATION". Myself and a group of colleagues proposed this
program to our university and it was accepted, we have been offering
it since 1989.
I teach theory from a Vygotskian and neo-vygotskian perspective and
am very interested in readings along the lines of sociocultural
influences on thinking and cognitive development.
One of my incipient areas of interest is how to adapt educational
practices to young people who are exposed to computers and images in
such an intensive way as seems to be the case with part of the
population in Mexico. Also I am interested in the cognitive
development of children who are homeless and live primarily in the
streets and how to help them to orient their lives in a manner which
diminishes the possibility of self- destruction; also, along the same
lines, how to educate the population in general to be sensitive to
this phenomenon and collaborate to find a solution.