Re: phylogeny and culture

Ania Lian (Ania.Lian who-is-at
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 13:48:10 +1000 (EST)

On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Ania Lian wrote:

> So the problem is: if you bring the other kind, which is emotionally tied
> to the other land, the countries as vulnerable as all postcommunist places
> are find themselves in a danger that they are being sold out by those who
> have money and so get to power and then legally sell our countries,
> without necessarily resorting to the old tricks like military occupation
> etc

I might have not made it clear: there is a strong argument in Poland, at
least, that Russia while not having political power to take over Poland,
financially empowers its own candidates to settle in Poland, win elections
legally and turn Poland back to Russia this time legally for the West to
accept. It has been done before (the 18th century) no doubt it can be
done again. (these points are to help understand not to justify, since I
believe in procedure not law of the jungle. But this takes time.)

Btw: I believe that in Australia there are absolutely no rules for
birth-place when it comes to becoming the prime-minister.

ania lian