Bateson, process/product

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 17:42:10 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Katherine-- Was waiting for that shoe to fall. Mind and culture
are processes, but we entify them in some rhetorical contexts. We
confuse the entification product for the process. The two are
not reducable one onto the other. But we talk that way.

For example, our 5thDimension activity system is definitely a cultural
process occuring over time.... about a decade in this case. That
is how we understand it. At the same time, it is grammatical in
my idolect and that of my colleagues to ask, "Is there a 5thDimesion
in Australia?" Yes. There is a 5th Dimesion in Australia. I know
little about the process that is the 5thDimension in Australia, but
I am sure courious about it!

Bateson plays a big role in my thinking and a big role in Chapter
5 and later in the book. But my reading is selective, and there
is a lot of the auto-didact in my thinking, and I am influenced
by the way xmca members have used Bateson as a tool of thought
over the years (I have Arne Reithel particularly in mind in this

A special issue of MCA on the relevance of Bateson to the development
of cultural-historical activity theory would be really interesting.
Perhaps you could get a band of volunteers and put together such
an issue?