French Press article

Francoise Herrmann (fherrmann who-is-at
Wed, 3 Apr 1996 09:17:16 -0800 (PST)

Hi everyone, I just read an interesting article in the French Press that
I'd like to share with you. The article is called "How to help women
'cross-over'? meaning to cross-over into technological/technical fields
of activity that are traditionally associated with male activity. It is
the results of a study undertaken at the University of Avignon in Southern
France. The study was designed originally to explain and help change the
fact that when unemployed women are given the opportunity to train
and take on technological and scientific careers, many of them do not.
Four explanations in the form of "resistances" were found, the last of which
really changed the researchers' approach and thoughts about "pushing" anyone
into anything. The logic of persuasion shifted to a reflexive stance.
The resistance that changed the researchers' approach was the finding
that some of the women felt that they lost their identity when pursuing
such career options, either as a deeply held violation of beliefs or because
their own surroundings (parents, children, huspands and lovers) mirrored
a loss of identity.
What was interesting to me in this article was the complete turnaround
that took place in the researcher's project. From a well intentioned
desire to "change" the socio-economic position of these women to a more
humble desire to understand the social roles of men and women in society.
The project ended with the creation of a series of materials to
help consciousness and awareness of these forces (e.g.; Julie walks
into an office with overalls on to fix an electrical problem, in one
situation the secretary is smiling and inviting, in the other situation
she has a reprobatory attitude). No test involved, just reflective
material to support awareness of internalized taboos, resistances and

Francoise Herrmann
fherrmann who-is-at

Michaella Bobasch "How to help women 'cross-over'?" Le Monde de L'education,
April 1996, p. 87.