Re: Conference in Yekaterinburg: "Children, Theater, Education"

Judy Diamondstone (diamonju who-is-at
Thu, 7 Mar 1996 09:55:19 -0500

Some summers ago at the Breadloaf School of English in Vermont,
Courtney Cazden invited members of the theatre ensemble there
into her writing theory courses to work with her and the
students [all teachers of English in the Breadloaf
Masters Program] to identify and "lift off the page" the various
"voices"/perspectives in written expository texts. I wasn't
there, but she and Jim Loebdell (now at Berkeley) have written
about the project (sorry, I don't have the citation). I have
been interested in developing some way to use such a theatre/school
connection in the middle grades and above - to make
expository text accessible via an analysis and then _performance_ of
the conflicts, multiple positionings, tensions, _multiple_ points of view,
concerns implicated in an argument. I thought that by showing the
play of social differences in what otherwise seems alien text,
we might make links between the text and discourse practices
of the streets (I had in mind especially those in the African American
tradition like signifyin). -- Would any of the papers presented at
the conference be relevant?

In any case, I would be quite interested in abstracts of the following:

>Theatrical Play as a Pedagogical Method in Supplemental (Additional)
>Education, N.G. Arefyeva, Yekaterinburg [Teatralynaya igra kak metod
>pedagogiki dopolnitelynogo obrazovaniya]
>An Open Class in "Play Training" - The Zone of Maximal Arrousal, Activating
>Lives of the Students of the Theater Class, M.B. Belyakov, Tambov
>[Otkryityii urok po predmetu "Igrovoi trening" - zona maksimalyno
>vozbuzhdennoi, aktivizirovannoi zhizni uchashchihsya tetralynogo klassa]
>Gnoseodrama, V.V. Vorobyev, Moscow and V. U. Puzyirevskii, Sanct-Peterburg

>Directing a School Class Organized According to the Technology of Theatrical
>Pedagogic, V.A. Ilyev, Perm, [Rezhissyra shkolynogo uroka, organizovannogo
>po tehnologii teatralynoi pedagogiki]

Thanks very much.

-- Judy
Judy Diamondstone
diamonju who-is-at
Rutgers University
