forward of messages

psmagorinsky who-is-at
Thu, 25 Jan 96 10:09:38 -0600

Hello, I've gotten a request from the xmca discussion list to have our
vygotsky list discussion forwarded to their network. xmca is hosted by Mike
Cole, one of the editors of Vygotsky's Mind in Society, and heavily invested
in these issues. One thing I think is important is that we maintain this
discussion among ourselves--the whole purpose of this list is for us to get
aquainted so we can hit the ground running when we get to Chicago. Opening
it up to anyone would limit the floor space available to our own subscribers
and work against the network's purpose--"floor space" might seem an odd
metaphor for an email discussion, yet in spite of the seemingly open nature
of the medium, email discourse ends up paralleling other kinds of discourse
in its patterns of participation. Forwarding our messages to other
networks, though, will allow our interests to stimulate other conversations,
which I think is valuable. In essence, the xmca subscribers will be able to
"lurk" (netspeak for following a discussion without participating--an
acceptable social behavior, I might add, in spite of the ominous term).

I hope this plan is OK with everyone. I don't think it'll affect what we do
here, other than expand the listenership for what we talk about.


Peter Smagorinsky
University of Oklahoma
College of Education
Department of Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum
820 Van Vleet Oval
Norman, OK 73019-0260
fax: (405)325-4061
smagor who-is-at
psmagorinsky who-is-at