electronic submission

Eva Ekeblad (eva.ekeblad who-is-at ped.gu.se)
Thu, 21 Dec 1995 11:43:21 +0100

Ja-ha Jay
and cheers to all the tamed Swedish rivers!

>A bit surprised to hear of a journal rejecting a ms as already
>published when submitted electronically!

I was, too -- this is of course why I asked the xmca in the first place.
When I go back to the original message, however, I realise that I may have
been jumping to conclusions. There seems to be two things certain in the
matter: that it is not very clear legally how these matters should be
handled, and that the academic community at large does not know very well
how to talk about the various forms of electronic distribution.

>From a 42-word message (by a person I know but have not seen much of
recently) I seem to have constructed something akin to those virus warning
chain mails... what it _does_ say (translated from Swedish) is that "drafts
*sent over the Internet* count as publication". Which I read in the way
above, as _even_ _submission_ by... -- as I take the message sender as a
person who would know what she is talking about well enough to make a
distinction between "sending" and "publication" -- and to know that "all of
it" is the Internet. Maybe I should have realised that the person who
formulated the initial "information" would not know much about the world of
the net.

It is also a bit embarrassing/ /amusing/ /illuminating to realise that
having taken the core info of the message as serious, strange, and stupid,
I jumped to the conclusion this disappointment was something that had
actually happened to the sender. All from my understanding of the person
who sent it, her relation to the journal that was mentioned, and her
relation to electronic media... (I thought she knew what she was talking
about, but was being, like a true viking, brave about the personal

Still, however, I am not clear about what the practices of the journal
are... I'll tell you when I find out.
