Thanks! ... narrative forms Re: RE< Request for interesting

Angel M.Y. Lin (mylin who-is-at
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 02:56:02 -0500 (EST)

Hi Geoff,

Thanks so much for your detailed response! Yes, I'd like to learn more
about the Aboriginal narrative forms you described; could you send more

I'm very interested in narrative forms, especially those that children
would easily pick up or be attracted to... I find Hong Kong adolescents,
especially those from the working class (the middle class children, in my
fieldwork observations and interviews, are very much oriented to middle
class adult norms and forms, or "acceptable, standard" literacy norms),
are very much attracted to the cartoon type of narrative style, the
superimposing of the imaginative, the impossible on the mundane everyday
world and they derive pleasure from seeing this kind of impossilbes,
e.g., a boy turning into a girl when poured over by hot water... and
changes back when poured over with cold water... they also derive
pleasure from seeing the reversing of gender roles...

Thanks and hope to hear more from you on these...
