Re: Chapter 4, finally

Genevieve Patthey-Chavez (ggpcinla who-is-at
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 10:44:38 -0800

Re: Some of the ideas expressed below...Bourdieu's notion of Habitus and
Giddens' notion of the duality of structure have been around since at least
the 70s. Then there's Lave's _Cognition in practice_ and a lot of recent
work on constitutive indexicality developing precisely to begin to map out
relationships between knowledge, action, structure, activity. Finally, the
"container perspective of context" has been challenged rather forcefully by
both Engestrom and Ruth Smith. Well, here's a small quotation from the

(W)hile structuration theory might at first sight appear able to deliver on
this challenge, Giddens' treatment of system as a relational _duality_
(individual/social) as opposed to a relational _triad_
(subject/community/object) that embraces the material world prevents its
The conceptual move that needs to be made is to recognize that
_context is both a medium and outcome_ that materially and semiotically
mediates the activity of the _subject_, the social group or _community_ and
the material world of _objects_ (which are themselves constituted by
sociocultural, historical, meaterial and semiotic forces). We produce and
reproduce contexts, we then use those productions as mediational means to
exchange, distribute, and consume, material and semiotic phenomena and to
produce new contexts and new contextual media.
Duranti & Goodwin appropriately suggest that,
Instead of viewing context as a set of variables that statically
surround strips of talk, context and talk are now argued to stand in a
mutually reflexive relationship to each other, with talk, and the
interpretive work it generates, shaping context as much as context shapes

From: R. C. Smith, 1990, In pursuit of synthesis: Activity theory as a
primary framework for organizational communication, pp. 111-112.

Just to add my own two cents' worth: I find it really had to pursue
synthesis in a discourse community whose basic argumentative style builds
on an adversarial premise--find a hole in someone else's argument and stake
your claim to fame, and so on. And yes, I know my own reaction above does
not break the chain. I remind myself, When in Rome, do as the Romans, but
then it occurs to me, where IS xmca? Where _am_ I? An exciting thought,


>In summary:
>C, W, & Y found it essential to view their initial goal of understand
>children's mathematical learning in the context of reflexive relationships
>between individual and social, between cognitive, social and affective
>knowledge, between teachers and students, between the classroom and its
>broader social setting, a notion consistent with Vygotski and Leont'ev. At
>the same time their basic radical constructivist foundation leads them to
>be independent of the notion that particular social norms or mathematical
>knowledge exists independently of the action of the teacher and students.
>As a result the authors are able to view these important reflexive
>relationships as truly reflexive. At the same time, this has led the
>authors to note important differences between their understanding of their
>observations and certain representations typically found in Vygotskian
>Comments and suggestions concerning this review are welcome.
>Dewey I. Dykstra, Jr. Phone: (208)385-3105
>Professor of Physics Dept: (208)385-3775
>Department of Physics/SN318 Fax: (208)385-4330
>Boise State University dykstrad who-is-at
>1910 University Drive Boise Highlanders
>Boise, ID 83725-1570 novice piper