Re: pledging in history

Tane Akamatsu (takamatsu who-is-at
Thu, 28 Sep 1995 22:20:51 -0400 (EDT)

One more message about this pledge. If you want to get into kids' heads
about the pledge, ask them to write it out. Grade 2's may not be able to
do this without considerable pain, but even so, they may reveal a lot by
their questions:
How do you spell pledgeallegiance?

Somewhere in the mists of my undergrad memory, I read a "pledge" that
went something like:

I pledgeallegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to
the public for Richard Stands, one nation, under guard, invisible, with
Liberty House dresses for all. (written by a Grade 4-ish kid. Liberty
House is a large upscale department store in Hawai'i and California.)

Tane Akamatsu
Toronto Board of Education
takamatsu who-is-at