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[xmca] Fwd: APS Janet Taylor Spence Award Deadline: November 15th

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From: "Alan G. Kraut" <alankraut@psychologicalscience.org>
Date: November 5, 2009 4:01:44 PM GMT-03:00
To: davidpreiss@uc.cl
Subject: APS Janet Taylor Spence Award Deadline: November 15th
Reply-To: alankraut@psychologicalscience.org

Dear APS Colleague,

Just a quick reminder that the nomination deadline for the newly established Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions to Psychological Science is November 15, 2009.

This is a wonderful new opportunity to recognize our field's brightest and most promising researchers and scholars. Please take a moment to learn more about the award and nominate your most deserving colleagues.

To submit nominations, and for more information on eligibility criteria, please go to http://www.psychologicalscience.org/awards/spence .

The Spence Award is named in honor of APS's first elected President, who developed new approaches to research and pioneering tools, recognizes investigators in the early stages of their careers for research contributions such as the establishment of new approaches or paradigms within a field of psychology, or the development or advancement of research that cuts across fields of psychological science.

The inaugural Spence Award review committee members include John Cacioppo, University of Chicago, Axel Cleeremans, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Susan Goldin-Meadow, University of Chicago, Madeline Heilman, New York University, James Kalat, North Carolina State University, Beth Meyerowitz, University of Southern California, and David Myers, Hope College.

The awards - up to five each year - will be presented at the APS Annual Convention. The first awards will be conferred by Janet Taylor Spence at the 2010 APS Annual Convention in Boston, MA. I hope to see you there as we honor the future leaders in psychological science.


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David Preiss

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