Re: [xmca] info on ISCAR 2008

From: Olga Vasquez <ovasquez who-is-at>
Date: Sun Aug 31 2008 - 17:26:58 PDT

>Thanks Ana,

We will coordinate the information as best we can.

to answer your questions.

1. Please see the "Contact us" page--there are our email addresses

2. Intent Participation scholars have a closed session on September 7th
       The pre-conference is on the 8th at at USD down the highway a few minutes

3. While I am here--Please note that there is
some construction going on around
        the campus and we will do everything we can to have signs pointing you
        in the right direction:

        Warren College Apartments
        Atkinson Hall (registration and welcoming
reception on Sept/8 and break-out
                sessions the rest of the days

        Warren College lecture rooms
        Price Center

The last 3 buildings form a perfect triangle a
few minutes from each other, and across
the street from the dinning hall and the apartments.

>ISCAR website questions:
>1. The UCSD team on the website have pictures but no link to their e-mail or
>contact numbers.
>2. I did notice that the website had conflicting schedules for the intent
>participation, of which I am registered to participate.
>When you click on the link program: It mentions- September 8
>When you are on the home page, and you click on "conference itinerary": It
>mentions-September 7
>Would appreciate clarification. Thank you. Ana B-G.
>On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Olga Vasquez <>wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues and friends, many of you have asked about the ISCAR
>> schedule and
>> a multiple other questions. I have put together the attached sheet to help
>> answer the
>> questions that you may have. The other sheets will help get a sense of the
>> conference
>> before you arrive.
>> We have revised version of the Index completed but are unable to post it on
>> the web until later tomorrow afternoon. However, if youare in dire need for
>> more information, please do not hesitate to contact any of the UCSD team (on
>> the website) for further information on your particular schedule. However,
>> if you can wait just a little more time, that would be very helpful.
>> All of these items will be posted in the website along with the index
>> tomorrow evening. Pls
>> pass them along.
>> Thanks much for your patience and support,
>> Olga
>xmca mailing list

Olga A. Vásquez
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0503
xmca mailing list
Received on Sun Aug 31 17:29 PDT 2008

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