[xmca] Fwd: Job Announcement: Chair in Educational Science, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany

From: Peter Smagorinsky (smago@uga.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 12 2006 - 07:34:37 PDT

>The Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences of the Albert-Ludwig
>University of Freiburg i. Br. is seeking to fill a
>W3 Chair in Educational Science
>with a concentration in general didactics and higher education didactics
>The applicant must meet the guidelines described in § 47 Abs. 3 LHG, which
>require of all persons whose position involves instructing future teachers
>in educational science and subject related didactics to have at least
>three years of previous school teaching experience (disqualification
>criterion). The main requirements for applicants include qualification to
>teach at the university level in Germany (Habilitation) or comparable
>qualifications acquired internationally as well as empirical research
>activities in the areas of concentration named above.
>The University of Freiburg is currently seeking to increase the proportion
>of women in research and instruction and is thus especially pleased to
>receive applications from qualified females. Severely disabled applicants
>will be preferred in the case of equal qualifications.
>It should be pointed out that in general newly appointed professors
>initially receive a temporary contract. Exceptions to this rule are
>possible, especially if the applicant comes from a foreign country or a
>position outside of the university. Upon expiration of the temporary
>contract, it may be renewed as an open-ended contract without a new
>appointment procedure.
>Please send applications including the usual documentation by October, 15,
>2006 to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences of
>the Albert-Ludwig University, 79085 Freiburg, Germany.
>Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm for more
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